David Tainton
The question is not if we need training, it's how you need to find your way that makes you repeat it, just show up!
- ValmennusBeen coaching in elite track & field (sprinters) before I became a pt.
- JuoksuFormer elite sprinter that naturally evolved in to a sprint coach
- VoimaharjoitteluStrength training is the foundation to all type of movements from amateur to elite
- Tietyt urheilulajitSprinting and weight lifting goes hand and hand, gymnastics pattern is good for all people
- MuuI like all kinds of explosive sports and patterns
- TanssiTap dancing, rhythm is basic even when you run how relax and explosive in the exact moment
- KehonrakennusBodybuilding is fun and cool
- YleisurheiluSprinting 60, 100 and 200m
- Martial artsKyokushin karate, kickboxing and tae kwon do
- JuoksuSprint strength works for all runners
Koulutus ja kurssit
- DNS 1,2,3 and sport coach prague school of rehabilitationStockholm
- Dietician, exerscience- fysio nutrition (Emanuel Widmark, John Gröntvedt)Stockholm
- RKC russian kettlebells challengeStockholm
- PCC proggressive calisthenics certificationStockholm
- Strength advancedSats school
- Sprint coachSwedish atheletics association
Saatavilla olevat ajat
- Maanantai
- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 10:00 - 19:00
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- 10:00 - 19:00
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- 10:00 - 18:00
- Perjantai
- 11:00 - 16:00
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